Posted on 9/29/2022
Chances are you've heard the screeching rev of a loud car and cringed at the sound – and you might be wondering what causes that. Usually, it's either the exhaust or muffler. Both the muffler and the exhaust play a role in both the function and sound of a vehicle. To learn about the difference, let's break down the role of each. What's an Exhaust System? Whenever you drive your vehicle, it produces emissions. Those are released through the exhaust system. The exhaust system has four main functions: Carry exhaust from the engine out of the vehicle, which protects both your vehicle and any passengers in it. Reduce the amount of noise created by the engine, as combustion engines are loud. Improve fuel consumption, as quick release of emissions helps fuel efficiency. Improve engine performance, because as emissions are released the engine has less pressure. Emissions move through the exhaust system in a few steps. First, they pass through the exhaust manifold, w ... read more